33 books to go!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Unbreak My Heart (Melissa Walker)


         Clementine's sophomore year didn't go quite as planned.  She broke the most important friendship rule in the book and ended up losing all of her friends.  Clem's lack of a social life is the only reason she's going along with the idea of a summer-long family sailing trip.  Even though Clem isn't putting up a fight, being stuck with her parents and little sister on a tiny boat for two months is a little more than she can handle.  So it's a really good thing when she meets James, who's sailing the same route she is with his father.  Maybe James will be the one to help Clem get over last year and start enjoying everything that she has left.

         Unbreak My Heart was a good but not super-memorable book.  Clementine was (understandably, I suppose) a little snippy with people at first, but she made some emotional progress.  She was really lucky to have such a kind, understanding family.  However, the contrast between their niceness and her angstiness (I'm not sure that's a word) made Clem seem like a worse person than she actually was.  James was also a really nice guy - despite the family problems he had, he was cheerful 99% of the time.  On top of that, he got over anything upsetting very quickly.  It might have given the story more depth if Clem wasn't the only person who was struggling with negative emotions.  Luckily, this is the kind of book where everything works out in the end, so Clem's problems all get solved.  Unbreak My Heart isn't the best chick lit I've ever read, but it was a pretty good book on the whole.

Rating: 3/5
Completed: July 22, 2012

So, to get completely off the topic of reading, the Olympics are over now.  Very sad.  I absolutely love the summer Olympics.  They're really bad for my book goal, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice for swimming and diving and gymnastics.  It was a great year for the US swim team; they were so fun to watch.  Did you watch the Olympics?  Which are your favorite sports and athletes to follow?  Let me know in the comments.

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