33 books to go!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Symptoms of My Insanity (Mindy Raf)


         Hypochondriac Izzy spends a good part of her day obsessively worrying whether she has some rare disease or another.  It doesn't help that her mom actually does have a rare disease, one that could possibly kill her.  Although Izzy's mom is in remission now, Izzy isn't quite ready to return to the world of normal.  It doesn't help that her best friend is acting like a completely different person, or that she can't tell whether her crush likes her or not.  When things start to get really horrible, Izzy can't categorize the crazy anymore.

         I know that bad things happen to good people.  Still, I almost think too many bad things happened to Izzy, to the point where it started to feel unrealistic.  Her family was always giving her a hard time, her friend didn't seem to care about what she was going through, and she was played by a guy who pretended to be her friend and knew that her mom had cancer.  The only reason that I could let it slide was that this book was also really funny.  Izzy's hilarious commentary prevented the book from being thoroughly depressing.  If you generally don't like sad books, this might be a good one for you, because it's got plenty of humor and ends on a positive note.

Rating: 3/5
Completed: July 10, 2013

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It's not as scary as it looks! I promise . . .