Turns out, NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month, aka November - is the most time-consuming thing you could do. Like, ever. Basically, I have spent the past month trying to write 50,000 words of a novel.
Forget it.
I could probably just skim this chapter.
Family time? Social life?
Watching TV?
Wait, we have a TV?
Okay, I did watch a little TV. But the point is that I didn't get as much reviewing or blogging done as I would have liked to.
Hey, it was worth it. Although I will most likely never ever publish it, I have a (shortish, unfinished) manuscript to my name. I reached my goal! And if you've been around here for a while, you know how I am with goals . . .
On the bright side, I will have a little bit more time on my hands now. Who knows? I might even be able to post a few reviews.