Seventeen-year-old Cassandra Mortmain lives with her family in a run-down castle in the English countryside. Her father was once a famous writer, but he hasn't published anything in years and spends the majority of his time reading detective novels. Cassandra, a bit of a writer herself, decides to "capture the castle" and all of the people in it to develop her writing skills. Her notebooks tell the story of life at the castle and the turn of events that makes everything infinitely more exciting.
This was a great book! It was a little slow at first, but before long I was picking it up to read any chance I got. Cassandra is a charming narrator who does a good job of describing the castle and the eccentric people who live in it. The characters are interesting and well-developed, although some (like Topaz, Cassandra's stepmother) are quite shallow. This wasn't an action novel by any means, but the story was funny and there were some unexpected twists. If you don't mind older books (think 1940s), you should definitely give this one a go.
Rating: 4/5
Completed: December 21, 2012